Tom Wayman · Author

Author Tom Wayman

West Kootenay Launch Readings

Tom Wayman at U of A’s writer-in-residence celebration

I will be participating in the University of Alberta’s 40th anniversary celebration of their writer-in-residence program, March 3 to 5, 2016. I was writer-in-residence on campus from 1978 to 1979. The celebration, hosted by (more…)

Vancouver Sun – Wayman leaves the shadows

Tom Wayman Fiction - The Shadows We Mistake For LoveA great Boxing Day present for me was the Vancouver Sun running a three-quarter-page spread on The Shadows We Mistake for Love in their Dec. 26 edition (page F7). They used a large version of Calvin Wharton’s photo of me in a canoe (see ABOUT: Bio), plus three questions from a longer Q & A about the book I had prepared some time ago for the publisher. An online version of this article (although only a headshot of me is used online) is at


Tom Wayman Fiction - The Shadows We Mistake For LoveThe Winter 2015-2016 issue of BC BookWorld has a nice review of The Shadows We Mistake For Love. Speaking of the story “Graveyard,” the reviewer says: “Wayman’s descriptions of the place, the day, and the mood are so dead on and so compelling you may shudder and shiver at the same time.”

Quill & Quire – starred review

The December 2015 issue of Quill & Quire (the Canadian book trade monthly) has a starred review (indicating “books of exceptional merit”) of The Shadows We Mistake For Love. Reviewer Brenda Schmidt calls the collection “wonderful” and says that “these stories resemble a close-knit community. Shifting in response to internal and external forces, the Slocan Valley and its inhabitants—wholly realized under Wayman’s deft touch—feel simultaneously alive and vulnerable.”

“The Question” wins

Michael Callaghan of Exile Editions announced today that my long poem, “The Question,” won the 2015 Gwendolyn MacEwan/Exile poetry competition for Best Poetry Suite ($2,000). The poem will be published in the forthcoming ELQ/Exile Quarterly.

WINTER’S SKIN – review by Sid Marty

Tom Wayman Poems - Winters SkinThe September 2015 issue of Alberta Views includes a review of Winter’s Skin by Sid Marty. The review includes some of Marty’s delightfully wry humor in its assessment of the book. He concludes: “Passionate and lyrical by turns, didactic at others, insisting that ideals matter, that people must strive for more empathy and honesty, Wayman demands much of his readers. He leaves us, as always, with a fire in the belly and a smile on our lips.”

© 2025 Tom Wayman · Author

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