Welcome to my website and thank you for dropping by. My intent on this site is to showcase, as well as tell you about, a little of my work as a writer. Plus to keep you up to date on my book publications. For the full experience of the website, check out:
NEWS – I list some nice things that have happened (or are planned) with regard to my writing. Nothing here about the rejections, setbacks, and disappointments that are the more usual experience for me and every other writer.
“Did I Miss Anything?” – FAQs about my most reprinted poem. You can also print or hear me read the poem here.
BIO – for biographical information.
WRITING – for samples of my poetry, fiction, and essays.
PURCHASE – find out which books are IN-PRINT, and which of my OUT-OF-PRINT titles are available for purchase directly from me. My in-print titles are available through your independent local bookstore, your online retailer, or follow the links provided to buy from the respective publisher.
REVIEWS – some sample reviews (only positive ones, of course) of my writing.
MEDIA – audio and video interviews and talks.
CONTACT – for my contact co-ordinates.
Again, thanks for visiting.
Tom Wayman